Welcome to Precious Blood Parish
Live Video Streaming
Live streaming from our church! Take a look to what is going on now in the church. You are able now to stream and view all masses and liturgical events that take place at Precious Blood Parish
- Monday 8:00 AM
- Tuesday 8:00 AM
- Wednesday 6:00 PM (Holy Hour/Vespers)
- Wednesday 7:00 PM Mass Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Thursday 8:00 AM
- Friday 8:00 AM Mass Devotion to St. Padre Pio with blessing of relic.
- (First Friday of the month)
- 6 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with prayers to the Sacred Heart and Precious Blood of Jesus. 6:45 PM Benediction 7 PM mass
- Saturday 8:30 AM Devotion to St. Joseph.
- Confessions 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
- Saturday 5PM
- Sunday 8:30 AM
- Sunday 10:00 AM
- Sunday 12:00 PM
- Effective April 30 / May 1, the office hours have now changed to accommodate the majority of parishioners who visit the office on weekends.
- 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at office@preciousblood.ca or call the main line at 416-751-2661.
Our online streaming will continue for those who will not able to attend.
Jubilee Pilgrimage Rome, Lourdes & Fatima – Aug 10-21, 2025
Precious Blood Parish is participating in a Jubilee Pilgrimage! Click on the image to find out details. Contact: Rio Panado @ 416-615-0155 or email riopanadoms@gmail.com. Don’t delay – it will book up soon!
FORMED has come to Precious Blood Parish!
All parishioners now have access to the best free Catholic streaming service, FORMED.org. You can watch entertaining and uplifting movies about the Saints, inspiring dramas, great music, and lots of content for children. Learn about the Bible and the way of Jesus from a solidly Catholic perspective.
Click here for signup instructions.
Wednesday Prayer Devotion
Join us in prayers as we start The Celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours , Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Prayer to Most Precious Blood of Jesus and The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Every Wednesday starting Sept 8, 2021 6pm – Holy Hour , 7pm – Holy Mass
If you can, please join us in person. Liturgy of the Hours will also be live-streamed via Precious Blood Church website
First Friday Devotion – Join us as we start our devotion in Honor of the Sacred Heart and The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Every First Friday starting Sept 3, 2021 until June 2022 6pm – Holy Hour , 7pm – Holy Mass
If you can, please join us in person. Holy Hour will also be live-streamed via Precious Blood Church website.
Upcoming Pilgrimages
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina + Croatia + Montenegro + Poland With the spiritual leadership of Father Xavier de Pinto September 21 to October 2, 2024
Join us on a spiritual journey that is sure to be one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life. IClick for more information.
Without a doubt, a journey to visit these two countries is a dream. See the most impressive sites in Athens, embark on the Celestyal Olympia cruiseship for a spectacular 3-night sailing visiting the most enchanting Greek island destinations dotted around the Aegean Sea – where culture, history, pristine beaches, and fishing villages suspended in time all await. Included in our itinerary is an opportunity to visit Ephesus (Turkey), perhaps the best-preserved Greco-Roman city in Europe and believed to be the home of the blessed virgin Mary during her lasttew vears on earth and the island ot Patmos, site of the apocalvotic revelations of Saint John the Divine. Space is limited
From the Pastor's Desk
Lets Pray for the children who died in residential schools throughout Canada.
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The Knights of Columbus
stands as the strong right arm of the Church, and challenges members to grow in their faith through programs, fraternity and vital resources such as our award-winning magazine, Columbia, and many other exclusive member communications. Join them today

The Holy Child Program
is a service of the Bethlehem Holy Child Program corporation. It provides an intense therapeutic day treatment program and alternative education for children in the Bethlehem region in the Holy Land who suffer from untreated complex mental health issues and exposure to intergenerational trauma. Visit Site

The Federation of North American Explorers (FNE)
is a volunteer Catholic faith-based youth movement that teaches responsibility, promise, commitment, leadership, service, and loyalty. We explore nature, the outdoors, the community, service to others, leadership, and the Catholic faith. Visit Site

Love Jesus' Homeland
website brings you a wealth of information about the Holy Land, the land the the Lord walked 2000 years ago: documentaries, news and events, guide to the holy places. Visit this site sponsored by the Christian Media Center. Visit Site

is a top Christian charity working throughout the world to bring Christ's love to the suffering and poor. Take a look and support this great organization.Visit Site

Want to support the Christians in Bethlehem?
Visit Souvenir Bethlehem eStore and purchase Holy Land souvenirs. You will not only have a piece of Bethlehem to share with your family and friends but you will also be supporting the Christian community that has dared to stay in this Holy City as we continue to celebrate the wonderful truth of His life.

Salt + Light Television
is Canada's Catholic Network, focussed on telling inspirational stories that bring people closer to Christ and the Catholic faith. (Rogers channel 240, Bell channel 654, click to see other providers). Visit Site