Precious Blood Roman Catholic Church

Scarborough, Ontario

First Reconciliation and Communion

Here at Precious Blood, baptized children who are at least in the second grade (age of seven) participate in a preparation programme that both introduces them to both sacraments and prepares them spiritually for their reception.

Parents & children are required to attend an information meeting in the fall before they register their child for the Sacraments. Sunday Mass participation is the way and the goal of these Sacraments. Please continue to stay informed of ongoing meetings by attending Mass regularly and reading the weekly bulletin.

You can now download the First Reconciliation & First Communion Registration Form for 2022-2023. Please print it, fill it out, and bring it with you when you come to register your child.

Read a introduction letter addressed to the parents.

The Sacraments provide for us, perhaps, the most tangible experience of God’s tender touch. His love radiates through the Sacraments of the Church giving us the grace to lead the Christian life. Regular celebration of the Sacrement of Reconciliation (confession) and weekly participation in the Eucharist are integral to the practice of the Christian faith. As Catholic’s these two Sacraments serve as our lifeblood; they are what sustains us. In Reconciliation we experience the wonderful gift of God’s loving mercy as we are reconciled to Him and our sins forgiven. In the Eucharist we encounter Christ’s saving sacrifice and are fed with His body, blood, soul, and divinity.

Traditionally, it is at the age of seven that baptized children receive for the first time these wonderful Sacraments of God’s grace. At this age it is believed that children have reached a maturity that will allow them an adequate understanding of sin and how it effects our relationship with God as well as an understanding of the celebration of the Eucharist and the Real Presence of Christ found therein.